La Diosa del Agua
La Diosa del Agua merges several animation techniques resulting in a live performance. Dance, animation and video are combined to present a personal interpretation of the deity of water: bright, mobile and colorful. The goddess is awake and with her movement and grace travels into the fluid matter; she bridges heaven and earth through the rainbow and with her beauty and favor expands the forest where a red tree is alive to spread again the water.
The performance is a call to the healing of our source of life. A dancing water that flows, that is pure, courageous and serene. That inhabits its space and that embodies a voice of movement to be heard, so that humans, who well since ancient times venerate and care for water, become more aware and have a broader vision of love and care for our vital element.
The piece invites to the reflection that it is possible to reconnect with nature and seek its purity, its health and therefore that of ourselves as a species.
The creative process then includes a part of solo dance and choreographic experimentation, then a search phase for visual aesthetics and color palette to later define the staging and thus the audiovisual edition. This performance was presented in turn with the Chinese shadow technique, thus evoking in silhouette form that deity that personifies a hope of free and sacred water.
The goddess’s hands open the luminescent curtain. The work of flow begins and thus life is created in conjunction with light. A dancing, pure, brave and serene water plays
with the forms inside her, she contains everything, she is self-sufficient. Her atoms, crystals and fluid colors of her contemplate her and play with her body.
The lonely and generous Goddess, who can be full and valued, transforms into sound, petals and dance.
Bright, mobile and colorful. The Goddess is awake and with her movement and grace travels towards fluid matter; she bridges the gap between heaven and earth through the rainbow and with her beauty and her favor expands the forest where a red tree is alive to spread the water again.