Some strategies for the creative process

La Diosa del Agua / The Goddess of Water


Project Module “Animated Memories” – 2nd. Semester, Media Art and Design (M.F.A.)
Under advice of Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg and lecturer Aline Helmke.
Bauhaus Universität – Weimar, Germany.
SS 2014

  • Dance, animation and video are combined to present a personal interpretation of the deity of water.
  • Ainmation techniques: Stopmotion, legetrick, paint on glass, Adobe After Affects.
  • Software: Adobe After Affects, Premier, Dragon Frame




Divinity and Humanity. The gods are hidden in the languages of matter.

Several ancient cultures gave to water the meaning of deity and related it to their rituals and customs in a sacred relationship. Dances, offerings, sculptures or temples were made to recreate the communication between communities and their believes.

Ikatere in Maori cultures was the father of sea creatures and mermaids. Anuket, the goddess of the Nile river used to have a gazelle and a headdress of feathers. Mazu, the Chinese goddess of the sea; protected fishermen and sailors. Chalchiuhtlicue, the Aztec goddess of water was full of youthful, ardor and beauty and grew up from a cactus with fruits, symbolizing the human heart. Enki, the god of crafts, seawater, intelligence and creation in Sumerian mythology, was imaged with a double-helix snake. Abzu was the god of fresh water in Babylonian mythology and existed before the heavens and the earth.

La Diosa del Agua merges several animation techniques resulting in a live performance. Dance, animation and video are combined to present a personal interpretation of the deity of water: “bright, mobile and colorful. The goddess is awake and with her movement and grace travels into the fluid matter; she bridges heaven and earth through the rainbow and with her beauty and favor expands the forest where a red tree is alive to spread again the water”.

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